Definder - what does the word mean?

What is a miller's?

A hands-down good guy, excellent at basketball, and hot af. Get yourself a miller!

Guy: Miller stole my girlfriend

Guy 2: Ha! he stole mine last week

👍35 👎13

a miller's - video


A miller's - what is it?

A Miller is someone who thinks they get all the ladies but can only get one.

You'll often find a Miller watching shit football teams and having unprotected sex.

"Aw man my shit football team lost and I impregnated my girlfriend"
"Ah c'mon bro don't be such a Miller"

👍77 👎37

What does "a miller's" mean?

marijuana cigarette

lets roll up a king size miller and get stoned.

👍381 👎247

A miller's - what does it mean?

A Miller is street smart AND book smart, clever, compassionate, intelligent and very social. But sometimes 'overthinks' things or is so focused on the day in which he's living that he doesn't always plan for the future.

One who is caring by nature & works so hard to take care of other's needs, but has so much going on that they rarely have time for themself. But when they do, they go All-Out and don't stop until fully 'transformed'!

Like a phoenix rises from the ashes, so does he overcome anything holding him back!

..this usually happens in cycles of partying or living life to the fullest, then falling back to regroup. It might seem to some as if he just vanished off the face of the earth, then suddenly 'reappears' back into social circles, larger than life, more improved & even better than B4!

Person 1: Hey is Miller out of rehab yet? I miss the parties he used to throw.

Person 2: That's old news, he got out months ago.. last I heard, he won the lottery & moved to CALI.

Person 1: Cool. I need to get his number!

👍269 👎157

A miller's - meaning

A really cute blonde with a great sense of humor. She usually hangs out with guys, and is super chill. She's generally sporty, athletic, and fun! She likes to read, and Millers are usually a genius.

Have you seen that girl? She's so smart and athletic - she must be a Miller!

👍165 👎89

A miller's - definition

A friendly person who always puts you in a good mood and always knows just what your thinking. Miller is someone to laugh or cry with. He'll give you a hug for any occasion. Miller just wants to have fun and feel good in life. He's wonderful.

I hung out with Miller today and we read each other's mind. We were crackin' our shit all up!

👍687 👎365

A miller's - slang

Cold. Inclement. Freezing

Don`t go outside without a coat Mate, it`s fucking millers out there.

👍389 👎185

A miller's

Someone tough beyond belief. Usually comparable to Chuck Norris or Mr.T

Carl: God Adam, im getting so tired of that Miller over there, he just keeps getting so tough.
Adam: I know, I just wanna fight him.

👍1501 👎705

A miller's

verb - the act of having a proposed time pushed systematically out with the same, or similiar, excuse. Usually in 15 minute increments. Most often happens between the times of 8:30pm and 10:00pm EST.

"Hey steve, wanna play a game tonight?"
-"ya sounds, good. I'll be ready at 8:30"
8:30 arrives
"Steve you ready?"
-"ya just gotta do a few quick things, gimme till 8:45"
8:45 arrives
"alright steve"
-"ya just gotta eat something, i'll be ready at 9"

"millering" repeats until about 9:30-10:30pm upon the arrival at two conclusions

"jesus we were ready hours ago....we got fucking millered"
-"relax im here, let's go"


"steve its 10 o clock, wtf."
-"ya i got REALLY comfortable in this chair...i won't be playing after all"
"what the fuck, my night just got millered"

👍95 👎33

A miller's

Having different drinks in front of you at once.

Why do you have all of those drinks.
I have a white wine for the fish, a red for the steak, a champagne for the toast and I'm just finishing this beer.
Oh so you're Millering.

👍97 👎13