Definder - what does the word mean?

What is a load that should have been swallowed?

the ultimate loser. he/she has the uncanny knack of spectactularly fucking-up everything that is good in their lives - from 1st day at school to 1st kiss to 1st shag to 1st job to 1st marriage to 1st child's life to.....

you know who you are ;~) he's pissed and making an tit of himself again whilst his kids can't afford to wipe their arses - the man's a "load that should have been swallowed."

👍71 👎31

a load that should have been swallowed - video


A load that should have been swallowed - what is it?

a poor excuse for a human being, any criminal, covict, drug addict, alcoholic, basically a menice to society. A PIECE OF SHIT.
The father should have ejaculated in the mother's mouth and not in her taco making a baby. Hence, the baby is a load that should have been swallowed

Damn, that kid is a load that should have been swallowed.

👍273 👎79