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What is Zug island?

Zug Islanders are the most baddest mother fuckers out there and sexiest

I just be zuggin like i live on zug island

👍25 👎11

Zug island - video


Zug island - what is it?

The baddest ass muther fuckers to walk the earth. Anybody who says they suck are fucktards and should be stabbed in the stomach with a mail key and have their fingers cut off and shoved up they dumb asses.

Zug island descended from above to take all these fucktard haters out of here.

👍53 👎45

What does "Zug island" mean?

An industrial island on the USA side of the Detroit River between Windsor, ON and Detroit, MI.
Also, a kickass band ;) ZUGIZLAND.COM

"Holy shizz Zug Island smells like industrial waste! I can smell if all the way from across the river!"

👍45 👎23