Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Zoque?

to act off it without really smoking or doing any actual drugs... to be high on life somewhat

mrs. edna : why are you acting up so much
reese : because youre ugly and tbh im just zoquing. im just living life fam.

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Zoque - video


Zoque - what is it?

To act ā€œoff itā€ without really smoking or taking any actual drugs. To be high on life.

Jenna: Are you doing the marijuana??
Gook: No Iā€™m actually just Zoquing!
Jenna: Omg same! Have fun Zoquing!
Gook: Right back at you!

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What does "Zoque" mean?

The dictator of the Volksrepublik Banat.

OMG it's Zoque!!! Everyone, get on your knees!

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