Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Zeka?

The parts of the world in which the zeka virus is prevalent, which are the southern coast of the U.S., Caribbean, Central America, and South America

All of my older friends are moving south to the zeka zone. They'll escape the cold and snow, but may die young when they catch the virus.

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Zeka - meme gif

Zeka meme gif

Zeka - video


Zeka - what is it?

Nexh Zeka is someone that is very attractive and is a big P9E. They usually like Mercedes, and women.

Nexh Zeka is so hot.

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What does "Zeka" mean?

A kind-heart, respectful, smart person.
that is the nicest girl i met..she is such a zeka.
Zeka is an unpopular name, and this name gives the impression of cheerfulness, optimism, and willfulness.

that is the nicest girl i met..she is such a zeka.

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Zeka - what does it mean?

A kind-heart, respectful, silly person.

that is the nicest girl i met..she is such a zeka.

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Zeka - meaning

A talented rookie mid-laner that shocked crowds at LOL Worlds 2022 on DRX. Carried his team on his back to a decisive reverse sweep against the 2021 World Champions in Edward Gaming.

It is Zeka who obtains the triple kill against EDG, and it is Zeka who will carry DRX and Deft to the semi-finals of the LOL Worlds 2022 Championship.

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