Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Zeenat's?

Zeenat is a super hot chick that has a body to die for๐Ÿฅต

ADRIEN:yooo bro is that a Zeenat?
ANDREW:Yeah thatโ€™s the girl I want

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Zeenat's - meme gif

Zeenat's meme gif

Zeenat's - video


Zeenat's - what is it?

She will steal your man faster than you can blink โ€ฆ

But kasam sheโ€™s very kind and has a big heart fr

Damn sheโ€™s such a zeenat

She reminds me of a zeenat

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What does "Zeenat's" mean?

She is a good nice young lady but itโ€™s too over protective with her friends she sometimes looses friends because of her attitude. She can get jealous easily but tries to hide it. When sheโ€™s mad or sad she can go overboard and do something sheโ€™ll regret for ever.

Zeenat is not my friend anymore

Zeenat is nice

Zeenat is kinda pretty

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Zeenat's - what does it mean?

the name given at birth to the famous rapper zeen-buggy

Have you heard Zeenat's new album?

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Zeenat's - meaning

A lady of great beauty, personality and presence. She has dazzling looks and influential personality.

Zee- Gods gift, or one of high status
Nat- Really hot chick, body to die 4

Damn, That girls a Zeenat

David: What gal you lookin 4
Andrew: I want a Zeenat

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