Definder - what does the word mean?

What is You wet?

An ugly African man

β€œYou wet geen” is a phrase used in UK slang

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You wet - video


You wet - what is it?

When you make a girls pussy wet

God, you made me wet.

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What does "You wet" mean?

To shoot someone. Makes the clothes all wet from blood, hence the word "wet you up".

Gotta watch it in these streets cause they will set you up, wet you up.

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You wet - what does it mean?

If its pussy you better wet it!

turk wet it

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You wet - meaning

The phrase "I make you wet in the butt" means some one is really hot/sexy and you feel a tingling sensation in your butt while also feeling like it's moist.

"That guy makes me so wet in the butt."
"I make you wet in the butt"

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You wet - definition

1. Of or relating to any and every situation in which the outcome is not of particular importance.

Jill: "Do you want to watch The Notebook or Armageddon?"
Tom: "Well... whatever makes you wet."

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You wet - slang

ok there is many ways to get u wet!basically its sexual activitys to get a woman wet on the body

and if i suck on dat pussy dat will get you wet

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You wet

When someone is excited or overly excited; loud, in comparison to a female orgasm.

"YOOOOOO! Thats wassup!"......."Fool calm down you wet".

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