Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Yoga Mom?

A sassy clueless whore of a mother who lets their children go out and go wherever their BMW'S take them. They are often found at the tanning salon or at the nearest yoga studio. They have over 2,000 friends on Facebook and have no clue where their children are at anytime. Their husbands are always out of town due to "business" or "golf trips". They are against sex but will provide condoms whenever a child is in need of one or ten.

Yoga mom: "hey honey, what are you doing tonight?"
Child: " Oh nothing, can i have $100 for some vodka?"
Yoga Mom: "Oh that okay, just take my 4 bottles of fireball for the night!! Be safe"

Child: "You're such a yoga mom i love you so much"

👍37 👎51

Yoga Mom - video


Yoga Mom - what is it?

The next generation of moms who feed their family organic, care about the enviroment, drive a hybrid, and of course, do yoga. While their children are very important to them, they do not let the kids think they are the center of the universe by having them in every sport and competition. Unlike a soccer mom, yoga mom would be at peace having her child occasionally finish second.

She wouldn't drive an SUV, she's a "yoga mom".

👍119 👎69