Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Womba?

Someone who may be slightly retarded

Look at that retarded looking guy over there, he looks like a total Womba

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Womba - meme gif

Womba meme gif

Womba - video


Womba - what is it?


β€˜i don’t like u’
β€˜no, womba’

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What does "Womba" mean?

A casual greeting used in the morning after being out the previous night on a drinking binge having not gone to bed yet.

El bionca womba bobby! (Recieved as a text message at 8am).

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Womba - what does it mean?

When your partners Dick pushes against your womb, that you scream, "MUM!"

"That gelt so good I even pulled off a Wombas Mum"

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Womba - meaning

secret button located on the ps2

yo have u seen that womba button?

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Womba - definition

Of or relating to "chumba" or "womba". Often used in a derogatory manor towards white people or police officers. Kept under lock and key by the government since the 1980's ,it is now usable by the general public if they have a death wish. See hot karl.

Check out them pigs dance they look like chumba-wombas.

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Womba - slang

Getting hit hard by some thc, also known as feeling baskied, feeling Womberd or just feeling Womba-baskied !

How you feeling after that smoke bro ? I’m feeling Womba baskied !

Man you look like you are baskied

You been on the Womba again ?

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WOMBA means anything that is awesome. It is usually yelled with excitement and passion and a deep voice. Pronounced "Wom (like "tom")-Buh(like "duh).

"WOOMBBBAAA!" - after winning a basketball game or something
"WOMBBAAA!" - want to feel manly so you say it loudly and deeply.
That was fricking WOMBA! - That was fricking amazing or awesome.
WOMBA. - Hello or hola

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To express dislike to something or someone. It can be used as a substitute for "crap" or "gay".

Person 1: *Farts*
Person 2: Eww, thats womba you tramp!
Person 1: You're womba, you knobhead!

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