Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Wiked?

to cass uncontralably, like when some one stabs you in the eye with a fork, or among those lines.


"Dude. stop wiking. its just a fork in your eye"

👍27 👎15

Wiked - meme gif

Wiked meme gif

Wiked - video


Wiked - what is it?

Wike is a walk + hike aka wike. A wike is when you, and most likely your friends, go out for a walk that is partially a hike but not intense enough to be called a hike. For example, a stroll at an incline, with a beautiful view, and within a natural landscape.

Do you wanna go on a wike at Torrey Pines?

Only if we can get coffee before.

👍27 👎13

What does "Wiked" mean?

A word , me Dean Kramer has started using in place of "tricked" or "Whacked"
this word can be used in different ways including exclaiming that something is good. many people use the word "Whacked" but i dont like that word.

" dude thats Wiked out"
" thats wiked"

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Wiked - what does it mean?

A wike is an annoying governor that built a big house with Rivers state people's money and cannot give people light but has 24/7 in his own house

Don't be a wike

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Wiked - meaning

- An extremely wicked person.
- A thief. - A person who Tinubu promises twelve virgins for Nigerian votes. - A person who can sell Rivers state. - An expert in many types of rigging. - A person who likes to deliver agbado. - A person with whose pocket is filled with agbado.
- A person who outdoes the devil at wickedness.
- A person who other wicked people are afraid of.
- As e dey pain them, I go do make make e pain them more.

My teacher asked us to mark our tests and I wiked it. He is a Wike.

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Wiked - definition

A 19year old man that spends the most of his time on IRC. When he's not on IRC, he plays computer games or drinks Absinth.

Wiking je pa zdej na ircu

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Wiked - slang

Wike is a legend, A wike is some one who is extreemly hard and well known.

Dayyyym.... thats guys a real wike!

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Wiking (pronounced week-ing) is a term created by Walter Lawetzki and Greg Chacon. It is used when talking about Wikipedia. It is also used as Wiked (weeked). Its used in the same fashion as the term Google.

Person 1: "I was wiking South Park last night and i learned that."
Person 2: "Which episode? I wiked season 4 last week." it is

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A wike is anyone who does not know what a wike is.

'Wike' can also just be used as an insult.

You are such a wike.
-A what?

Your mom is such a wike.

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Wike is a walk + hike aka wike. A wike is when you, and most likely your friends, go out for a walk that is partially a hike but not intense enough to be called a hike. For example a stroll at an incline, with a beautiful view, within a natural landscape.

Do you wanna go on a wike at Torrey Pines Reserve? We can get coffee at Birdrock Roasters before.

👍43 👎15