Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Whoop that trick?

When yo bitch or yo woman gits outta line and you need to whoop dat bitch back in line so she stop aktin like a gah damn chicken head

"Shanaynay you best stop trippin you stupid ass trick, im only wif choo, i aint wif no otha woman, you is da only one fo me, best stop aktin all dumb n shit befo i hasta Whoop Dat Trick"

👍209 👎155

Whoop that trick - video


Whoop that trick - what is it?

What you do when your girlfriend gets out of line. Basically giving her a pimp slap when she acts up.

"My girl started mouthing off to me so I had to whoop that trick."

👍173 👎137

What does "Whoop that trick" mean?

kick someone's ass

That bitch be steppin', so I'm gonna whoop that trick.

👍401 👎115

Whoop that trick - what does it mean?

When the Golden State Warriors let you win game 5.

We gonna whoop that trick

👍61 👎41