Definder - what does the word mean?

What is White lie?

the act of jizzing somewhere in your girlfriend's house and telling her you didn't

Jared told his girlfriend a white lie about the stain on the sofa

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White lie - video


White lie - what is it?

lies that white people have told others to make their self look righteous

always show their selves on tv.doing work over in poor countries ,but robbing them blind with white lies to get there resources and to experiment on people

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What does "White lie" mean?

1) A lie told with the intent of sparing someone’s feelings.
2) The reason why, in reality, the female gender is less honest.

"I only view you as a friend." is a common white lie. It usually means 'I don’t like you and don't want anything to do with you'.

"I love you too" can also be a white lie. This is one of the few white lies more commonly told by men.

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White lie - what does it mean?

a lie, but told to spare someone's feelings

Did you think I danced okay in the Nutcracker mom?

Umm. Yes, of course.

(The mom was telling a white lie.)

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White lie - meaning

A lie about something trivial, or a lie for which there will be few consequences if you're caught.

"Tom, did you do your homework?" (Tom, busy at the computer playing games, his unopened backpack next to him), "Yeah, Mom." or
"Tom, did you brush your teeth tonight?" (Tom, who just got in bed and is extrememly ready for some shut-eye) "Uh, yeah Mom."

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White lie - definition

White lie is information you have said that only includes things you want to say and excludes things that you don't want to say so technically while you haven't said any lies you haven't told the whole truth.

Mom: Did you brush your teeth?
Kid: Yes (but that was yesterday; while "yes" is true it is white lie because information lacks that it was yesterday)

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White lie - slang

a lie with good intentions

how do i look in this dress?
uh... u look good...

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White lie

A lie that doesn’t have any particular damage or colossal aftermath. However, something that is not a white lie but is often mistaken for one; stealing someone else’s Halloween candy without their knowledge. This is a crime.

β€œA little white lie never hurt anyone,” he said as he tossed the body in a freshly dug ditch.

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White lie

People from England who make up their past. Because Americans are gullible they make up lies to disguise their plans to bring the Crown to USA

I’m from England, while USA FIGHT over seas, we are gonna populate but use white lies to manipulate people.

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White lie

A lie told to prevent an argument or bad feelings over something generally meaningless

Male telling a white lie: "No dear, I did't talk to my female friend (the one you hate infinitly) for days now!"

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