Definder - what does the word mean?

What is White Whine?

When whites complain about how unfair Political correctness, Affirmative action or the fact that they are no longer allowed to use ethnic slurs against others is.

Usually then complains how the government or media is now oppressing them and how unfair the world is to them.

That white person's whining how anti racism secretly means anti white!

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White Whine - video


White Whine - what is it?

A complaint made by an overprivileged white person, most commonly an American.

Examples of white whine:

β€œI hate that Fiji water is square-shaped. It won’t fit in my cup holder.” - Andy

β€œGrrrr. My Tumblr account won’t stay signed-in on my Blackberry.” - Justine Bateman

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