Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Whimp?

A person who is so whimpy that they are also a chicken or vice versa

OMG! You are such a whimp chicken!!!

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Whimp - meme gif

Whimp meme gif

Whimp - video


Whimp - what is it?

v. The act of taking away from a player's skills, spells, or effectiveness in some manner, such as reducing weapon effectiveness or boosting mobs.

Also called mud whimping, player whimping, nerfing or blunting

My character got whimped by this asshole immortal.

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What does "Whimp" mean?

the combination of a whore and a pimp.

Kelly is a particularly fine-ass whimp.

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Whimp - what does it mean?

(n) an ignorant misspelling of wimp, which is used to refer to a weak and cowardly person

idiot: "ur such a whimp!"
educated person: "Ew. Go away."

👍169 👎87

Whimp - meaning

In the 1940s, the word "weakling" or "whimp" was used before the word "nerd" was used widely.

"Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers leave the hall" by Manowar

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