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What is Wherewolf?

the moment right before you sneeze where your face looks like youre turning into a wherewolf

i told him to cover his mouth once i saw the wherewolf face.

👍59 👎23

Wherewolf - meme gif

Wherewolf meme gif

Wherewolf - video


Wherewolf - what is it?

This sexual act, which requires a bit of precision and planning, will make you a legend in your own time when properly executed. You'll need a full moon, a public place (like a park or school playground), a tall boy of Coors Light, a bag of your freshly shaved pubes, and an unsuspecting participant who is willing to give an outdoor BJ.

Have this unsuspecting chicken head, hoodrat, or ho fellate you in the public place of your choice (with a clear view of the full moon). When you are about to spunk, pull out and spray on the lucky girls face, throw your pubes on said girls face, shake up the can of Coors Light, yell "Wherewolf"!, and spray her with the Silver Bullet!

After I gave Christine the wherewolf she stopped returning my calls.

Halloween kicked ass this year! Since there was a full moon I was finally able to wherewolf the french girl in my astronomy class!

👍429 👎169

What does "Wherewolf" mean?

A very poor person who can't even afford food, let alone clothes.

"Wow! That kid Wherewolf is fucking poor!"

👍31 👎17