Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Whats the business?

Another word for saying whats going on or what your doing

Hey what’s up lil boy what the business is or you can say what da bidnezz is

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Whats the business - video


Whats the business - what is it?

what's going on? What's crackin?

Tim came up to Ern and said " What da business is??"

Ern said " just chillin"

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What does "Whats the business" mean?

Term used when trying to find out where drugs are.

A. hey what the business is?
B. man i get the work to you in about an hour

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Whats the business - what does it mean?

Another way to express: what is going on, or asking what is new

What's the business Dekenya?
shooo niggaz i cant call it

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Whats the business - meaning

another way to say what's up, what's going on

Say brah, what the business is?
Me, I'm chillin

What they do, what the business is? Word on the streets, Jeezy know what the handle is. - Young Jeezy

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Whats the business - definition

A slang term used to inquire on the current status of one's being.

Originated in baltimore, by Khari

yo what up my homey, whats the business?

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