Definder - what does the word mean?

What is What in the hell's?

A phrase used to express anger, surprise or ecstasy and to replace the word "what". (Note: this word may be considered rude by some people and should be avoided in both speech and writing. A kinder way to use this is "what the heck".

What the hell?! That guy just fricking lost his bat when he already had 2 outs! Is he mad?

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What in the hell's - video


What in the hell's - what is it?

What happen?, What is this stupid thing?

I see a crowd who focus on a person in the road. So i ask my friend who is in there: "What the hell in here"

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What does "What in the hell's" mean?

A phrase commonly used in polls. If you see "What the hell is this?" as a poll option, it would usually have a lot of votes.

Also means "What is this?," but funnier.

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What the hell is this?

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What in the hell's - what does it mean?

a phrase/reaction to something that is strange/abnormal to the person/you, usually when you see some weird shit.

Matt:what the hell? Mike & Angela are kissing?
Daren:now that's some weird shit, what the hell.

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What in the hell's - meaning

What the hell

Sam Hell is also a Helmet song

Check it out

What in sam hell are you looking up, "what in sam hell" for?!

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What in the hell's - definition

When β€œwhat the hell” is not enough, but β€œwtf” is inappropriate to use. Eg at a church or a school

What the even hell sandra you cannot blow a kiss to the priest

What the even hell karen, why are you wearing odd shoes.

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What in the hell's - slang

When you're so shook and confused you ask this.

Mom: You are grounded!
Daughter: What the fat hell?????!!!

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What in the hell's

The Term signifies an event or an occurrence that is so crazy or out of the orderay that it is completely absurd or astonishing.

In the normal sense hell isnt seen as flying nor moving so that is how the term got its definition. Because of how insane a flying hell would be.

Mat: Hey did you hear Janet got shit faced and went scuba divin inside of the library aquarium???
Me an intellectual: What the flying hell? Really???

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What in the hell's

What one says when he is confused, puzzled, perplexed and or mindfucked. Is synonymous with the highly used "What the hell?"

"What in the hell just happened?"

"What the hell is that monkey doing fucking that dog like that?"

"What in the hell does that jew think he's doing trying to haggle that black man from his drug money?"

"What in the hell is going on?"

"What in the hell time is it?"

"What in the hell did you just do?"

"What in the hell? Why would you accuse me of fucking that transexual hooker by the pool at the sleezy motel?"

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What in the hell's

Used when rather, but not extremely, confused by a situation, or object.

What in the hell is that kid doing?
What in the hell is that?

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