Definder - what does the word mean?

What is We Will See?

What a hoebag says when they want to break up with you most likely because they are seeing someone else. This means "haha, i already am seeing other people. fuck you."

I think we should see other people. You and I aren't meant to be.

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We Will See - video


We Will See - what is it?

When someone is being called out (usually on twitter) for not doing the right thing. Such as having the power to stop something bad happening but either failed to try and prevent it or worse, is found to have contributed toward it and maybe lied about it or tried to cover it up.

The implication is that the person should be ashamed of their actions (or lack of) and that it has been noted so that at some point in the future they will get their comeuppance.

It is essentially a thinly vieled threat that revenge will come, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day. Often written in all caps.

Tweet: Yo, governor after saying you want to protect our communities, why did you vote to support that bill which makes it easier for children to buy guns? WE SEE YOU. #election

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What does "We Will See" mean?

A crappy way to break up with someone.

J: I think we should see other people
K: Yeah, me too.

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We Will See - what does it mean?

We can see you stealing our SMART ideas Ari912

We see you there

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We Will See - meaning

A break up phrase very commonly used to get out of the relationship. However it has double meaning

I think we should see other people = HaHa! I already am.

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We Will See - definition

A phrase used to show one's approval of something. Commonly used in Watford, UK.

Person 1: bruh I just got fucked by a plastic tube
Person 2: Losing your virginity to a plastic tube? we love to see it!

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We Will See - slang

an inappropriate picture ones take that don’t get posted or shared with anyone else.

her- β€œCan we take pics only we can see?”

him- β€œYes.”

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We Will See

It's a crappy break-up line!

It's over. I just think we should see other people.

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We Will See

definition: its not going to happen

person 1: will you go to the dance with me?
person 2: we shall see.

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We Will See

a phrase that blatantly means "no" but is said to avoid giving a concrete answer and maybe to spare the askers feelings

Ehh...we will see

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