Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Wah wah?

a foot pedal you plug in between the guitar and the amp, as you move your foot it wavers from bass to treble smothly your guitar cry like a baby, with a bit of overdrive these things sound awesome, the dunlop cry baby was played by hendrix, the same as the one in the pic there. the holy grail of wah wah has always been the dunlop crybaby the same as in the picture up there. have a listen to jimmy hendrix voodoo chile. the wah wah is just one of many difrent kinds of effects.

wah wah wah, standin next to a mountain, shot her down with the palm of my hand, wah wah

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Wah wah - video


Wah wah - what is it?

A situation that is ironic and often comes paired with the Wah-wah sound effect.

America was formed when a bunch off assholes decided that they didn't want to give money to the country they were born in. The country that provided protection, transportation, and a wide variety of goods during colonization asking simply for a small tax in return. After killing a whole bunch of redcoats, Americans were finally free from having to pay taxes. Then they implemented taxes....Wah-wah.

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What does "Wah wah" mean?

An electric guitar addon operated by a foot pedal. This device produces a wavering sound.

Eric Clapton & Jimi Hendrix both used the wah wah pedal.

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Wah wah - what does it mean?

A cool guiatar effect which makes your guitar make a wah sound when you hit the pedal down and up repeatedly,spices up your a song,used alot in the 80's

wah wah wah wah wah wah

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Wah wah - meaning

A song written by George Harrison about the tension he experienced with The Beatles. Released on the album "All Things Must Pass."

You've given me a wah wah.

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Wah wah - definition

A sick pedal

Dude, did You hear the Wah Wah solo in A New Level? It’s amazing!

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Wah wah - slang

The sound you make when someone says a crappy joke or something stupid. You usually emphasize the last "wah" by dragging it out in a low monotone voice and looking at the person like an idiot.

Douche: Hey, do you know Chuck Norris' blood type?

Non-douche: No.

Douche: Trick question: he doesn't bleed.

Non-douche: Wah Wah.

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Wah wah

a female wizard and part-time shrink to th eposterman

Posterman says 'here wah wah wah im depressed and dont understand how the world works?', Wah WAh WAh says 'dont worry posterman, it'll all be ok, now where is that bottle of wine?'

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Wah wah

Used in retaliation to someone being a wet-wipe/oversensitive

Holly: You don't understand, I really cared about him
Teo: Wah Wah Wah. Get over it.

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Wah wah

This is the noise of a sad trombone, usually lowering in pitch after each 'wah,' that sounds off when someone whines or something bad happens. The last 'wah' sometimes is spelled with extra Hs or capitalizations, in order to drag out the last and saddest sounding 'wah.'

Interchangable with a fail, a boo hoo, or finger tear drops.

Jason: d00d that girl just shot me down.
Aimee: wah wah wahhh!

Jer: I wanted to go to the show tonight but then I got grounded because my mom caught me watching pr0n.
Craig: wah wah WAH!

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