Definder - what does the word mean?


A twinky gay furry who started a cult in catholic school, he is also a big whore who has 51 children and counting. He also likes his men . . . BEEFY AND RUSSIAN.

Damn it Stetson stop being a fucking twink

👍41 👎31



WILL STETSON - what is it?

Like a butt dial, but instead of placing a call, the act of sitting on your phone causes you to change your relationship status on Facebook.

Oh shit dawg! The chick I'm nailing thinks we exclusive now. We're a couple on Facebook, but I never clicked nothin! I must have pulled a Stetson when I climbed in my 91 Acura.

👍25 👎11

What does "WILL STETSON" mean?

A type of hat.

Steers and queers?

👍167 👎183

WILL STETSON - what does it mean?

When your best bro bud ignored your texts and calls because you hurt his feelings.

I jokingly hit my friend in the face with a cornhole bag smeared in poop. As a result of the he stetsoned me for the remainder of the weekend.

👍25 👎11

WILL STETSON - meaning

The cologne of the true American ladies man. Stetson is the key to any woman's heart. With it's deep musty smell, it's a classic that will never go out of style. Check out Stetson: Untamed, get it while it's hot people.

Woman: EWW what's that smell!!!?
Stetson Wearer: That's the smell of desire, baby.

👍261 👎173

WILL STETSON - definition

Cool, sweet or even awesome

yo hommie that hat is stetson

👍201 👎113


Stetson is one of the greatest guys you'll ever meet. He's kind and caring and will always be there when you need a friend. He's a total flirt and will do anything to make anyone happy. He's a great baseball player and has goals for his life! He will do anything for his girl, anything to make her smile. He's respectful and works hard. A lot of girls try to be with him but he can't help that he's such an amazing person... he's humble and loving and super smart! He's tough and know how to protect himself and the ones he loves, but also has a sensitive side... and know that it's okay to cry. If you find yourself a Stetson you better hold on tight, he's so amazing and give you butterflies anytime he's around.

A: I met this guy he's so great! I can't imagine anyone better for me.

R: let me guess... his name is Stetson?

A: Yes! How'd you know?

R: wild guess😂

👍61 👎19


I guy who makes anime songs into swing melody's

"Hey Bob what is that song playing on you're radio."

"Oh that's just black rover but its a swing arrangement by Will Stetson."

👍55 👎15


An American name for males. Stetsons are usually independant, fun loving, curious, and friendly. Stetsons are chick magnets who have thriving love lives because girls can't resist their charm. Stetsons' love matches are girls with names for love, such as Kristen or Amanda. Stetsons are charming, handsome, and intelligent. Men named Stetson are notorious for their large penises.

Stetson was great in bed last night.
This is my son, Stetson.
Stetson here graduated top of his class.
Oh, Stetson! Don't stop! YES! YES! YES!

👍715 👎235


Sing man

"what music do you like"
"Will Stetson, the sing man.

👍125 👎15