Definder - what does the word mean?

What is WH-?

Short for Waukegan High School.

A ghetto-ass high school in Waukegan that’s divided in two motherfucking campus for no damn reason with ghetto ass wanna be’s.

I went to WHS , where did you go to high school?
WHS β€˜s class of 2016 is either all in jail or knocked the fuck up.

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WH- - meme gif

WH- meme gif

WH- - video


WH- - what is it?

WH = While high

I went to eat at Mcdonalds WH.
Playing video WH is awesome.

I aced my test WH.

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What does "WH-" mean?

welcome home sex

he got home from vacation last night, so he got some bangin' whs. ;)

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WH- - what does it mean?

Wondering Hand syndrome: The Syndrome of having hands wonder on to various parts of your partners body during make-out sessions.

Dude, I started feelin up on ashley without even knowing! I guess I have WHS

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WH- - meaning

when someone says something weird, confuseing or shocking

"I got tickets to bla bla concert"

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WH- - definition

The stuttering when you do not know whether to ask "what" "why" "when" or used to ask a combination of the three.

Here, read this.
Wh- I don't- Wh???
Yeah, screwed up.

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WH- - slang

an acronym for "what he said"

1: That's not true.
2: WHS

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as in Wallhack

A first-person-shooter cheats which enables a player to see through walls

When someone frags you through a wall with a headshot he's probably wallhacking, WH

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An unfinished "what?" or "why?" of confusion or astonishment, usually as in "what the fuck.."

"Actually i think i'll pick you up last, is that okay??"
"wh...okay i guess."

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Abbreviation of "What". Usually conveys more bemusement and seriousness than "What", "Waht", "Wut" and "Wat"

person: I ate 3 cupcakes and I am still hungry
other person: wh

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