Definder - what does the word mean?

What is WEDDING?

A huge waste of time and money.

This wedding will be so expensive.

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WEDDING - what is it?

Event in which on receives severe physical, and mental suffering. One may receive taunts such as a baby crib or ring. Such events have been known to cause drug addictions, hoarding, cancer, the Middle Eastern Revolutions of 2011, mutation, diabetes, depression, brain damage, lay offs, sweatshops, global warming, and even death.

Phil had a wedding. Phil accidentally shot himself the next day.

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What does "WEDDING" mean?

An excuse for people you barely know or like to invite you to spend a fortune on them and fawn over them for a whole day. Sometimes they will give you expensive wedding lists and yet get away with feeding you Asti Spumanti and mild cheese sandwiches.
Once invited to the wedding it is a downhill spiral into debt and having to buy summery dresses in the winter, and an expensive gift that you know that you cannot afford and that they will never use.

"so how come you can't afford that new BMW 3 series?"

" I have been invited to a wedding and have to save up for the gift"

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WEDDING - what does it mean?

Typically, a $20,000-$50,000 party intended to represent a heterosexual couple's devotion to one another (see marriage). Such a party usually involves a year or more of planning and lasts only a single day.

You're going to stay married damnit, cause we didn't pay $40,000 on your wedding for nothing. -- A mother to her daughter 5 years after marriage.

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WEDDING - meaning

The instance of a Β£15,000/$27,000 event featuring two people taking the fisrt step toward divorce, recieving 12 toasters, dancing to lame Celine Dion songs and eating obscene amounts of cake.
At least one embarrasing drunk is required.

Went to a wedding. Got drunk.

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WEDDING - definition

Funerals with cake

Hey you wanna go to the wedding?

No Thanks I would rather go to a bar to see people throw their lives away in a less dramatic way

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WEDDING - slang

An event which will provoke the release of all known human bodily fluids, though not every person in attendance will release all of the fluids. Among the fluids to be released:
* Tears: The mother of the bride will cry at how nice her daughter looks and how beautiful the event is;
* Nasal discharge: Someone is bound to sneeze during the service;
* Sweat: The groom will be sweating, as he’ll be wondering if he’s making the right choice and ponders how his life may change;
* Saliva: β€œYou may now kiss the bride …”
* Urine: At one point, all guests are going to have to take a leak;
* Vomit/stomach acid: Someone’s bound to have a few too many at the reception and spend much of the time driving the porcelain bus;
* Semen/vaginal fluids: The couple will get their freak on for the first time as husband and wife, if not the first time ever;
* Milk: If the bride gets pregnant, her ta-tas will produce milk when the baby is born;
* Blood: The divorce a few years down the road will result in either physical or figurative bloodshed

Better bring a towel - weddings result in loss of bodily fliuds!

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Expensive drama where you have to wear uncomfortable clothing because 2 people said so

This wedding is boring

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The fusing of two metals with a hot torch.

Webster’s Dictionary defines wedding as β€œthe fusing of two metals with a hot torch.” Well you know something? I think you guys are two metals … gold medals.

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Yeah yeah get on with it! Where is the food in this place?

Hurry up with this wedding! I wanna go home!

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