Definder - what does the word mean?

What is WATERED?

It's Just A Snowman Blood

The Water Is Drying

👍79 👎19

WATERED - meme gif

WATERED meme gif

WATERED - video


WATERED - what is it?

The 4th element required to summon Captain Planet



By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!

👍7245 👎1927

What does "WATERED" mean?

liquid commonly referred to as life juice

can i have some life juice?



👍157 👎39

WATERED - what does it mean?

a smoking substance which is made from a mix of PCP and embalming fluid.

"Yo nigga you got dat water?"

"fo sho nigga.."

👍1243 👎263

WATERED - meaning

A glass/cup of water without ice

Why did you put ice in this?!?! I wanted water water!!

👍45 👎35

WATERED - definition

Sweet nectarine made by the gods

Billy: damn this water is good
Bob: yeah , too good
Joe: yumm

👍213 👎39

WATERED - slang

The best drink in existence

Can I have a glass of water please

👍271 👎45


North Side slang for crystal methamphetamine

Conejo: Carnal: Mad heads be askin' for water and no one's got any of that shit!

Delito: Patience mijo! That shit's still wet and it's gotta sit! It's gonna be here tomorrow. Give 'em some of that moon stuff for the time being.

👍381 👎61


why the hell are you looking up water for on the urban dictionary.

seriously, why the hell did you look up water

👍4951 👎845


pcp. a drug that can be used for dipping.
dip a cigarette in the vial of pcp and smoke the wet part.

you better not f*** with them fools thats gone off that water water

👍171 👎25