Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Vy's?

A sweet, cute, honest and sometime sexy little baby girl that love White chocolate.

that's girl is such a Vy.

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Vy's - meme gif

Vy's meme gif

Vy's - video


Vy's - what is it?

The prettiest girl that a human being can ever lay eyes on and the walking definition of what a beautiful girl is supposed to be.

Just the sight of Vy makes my eyes happy like a fatty at a buffet.

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What does "Vy's" mean?

a girl who looks like an angel but might very well play a game of ping pong with your heart. she was the sexiest of evil...the perfect sin, the most beautiful of mistakes. many moons later, you will one day run into her and turn towards the door and run like a little girl in order to avoid the awkward situation that lies ahead of will than gain introspection and look back on her as quite possibly your favorite mistake.

Hombre 1: hey, isnt that the asian girl you used to date and be blowin up the phone with a while back? shes pretty freaking hot dude.
Hombre 2: oh is. its been soooo long.....yessir, pretty little Vy.....looks innocent with her sweet smile but she might play you for a fool and leave you with the crippling sensation of having a hole punched right through your heart, sending wracking waves of hurt through your limbs and your head..
hombre 1: yeah man, it was pretty gnarly. i remember taking evening walks in the late summer with you downtown at night to cure your emo heartbreak.
hombre 2: bittersweet memories my man...ones that i am being forced to revisit by seeing her across a room after all this time....i know my lungs must be intact, but i gasp for air and my head spins like my efforts are yielding me nothing.
hombre 1: she really holds that much power over someone who once fell hard for her after all that time has passed, eh? im sorry though dude, she is still hot.
hombre 2: si, es verdad...muy bonita. i guess she does. ahhh well...que sera, sera though dude.

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Vy's - what does it mean?

u are very entroverted, loud, and very nice. She is very friendly to everyone. You would love Vy as a friend

Vy is very friendly

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Vy's - meaning

Vy an Vietnamese girl who is addicted to Boba, Vy will always ask if you want boba even if you don't want boba. NEVER threaten Vy about boba because that will be the last of you.

"Dang I want some Boba I wish Vy was here"

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Vy's - definition

A person who cares about you alot but is afraid of getting close because they might hurt you so they stay loving you from a distance.

omg vy just ghost me! yeah omg same

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Vy's - slang

People named by are complicated, but pretend to be simple. They’re very special people, who will love and take care of everyone around them, but fear to show it. It usually ends in them not taking care of themselves. These beautiful souls love green, and wish their voices are lower. Vy’s are friends until the end, if you’re a good match.

β€œVy is so strong!”

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A very nice, kind girl with a big heart very serious in times but also has a very playful side, definitely good to hangout, chill with or even go on an adventure with. Also very pretty and silly

Dang, I wish I was Vy's bf or ever just friend , cuz she's awesome!!!

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Vy is a common Vietnamese name. Vy is so sweet, kindly-loving, compassion, and so fun to hangout with. She's beautiful both with and without her makeup. A really excellent student, literally always get straight As and/or good grades. She loves to bring love and lights to people because she knows what she gives, she gets! Working hard for the goal, successful, and peaceful life. She probably loves her family more than everything. You're really lucky to have a Vy in your life! (Also it pronounced Vee lol)

"Have you seen Vy?"
"No, she probably laying on her bed."

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A rare laugh pattern, almost no one used it, well the one who write this laugh like this soo, maybe he's wierd but you will never know

Proxley: Vy vy vy...

Arsy: hey you okay?

Proxley: huh?, oh yeah, I was just laughin to this video I watched on youtube

Arsy: oh...ok

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