Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Vored?

Something Kirby does in the brand new switch game

Kirby just vored that car

πŸ‘41 πŸ‘Ž11

Vored - meme gif

Vored meme gif

Vored - video


Vored - what is it?

Verb, past tense (present- vore.) Among the vorish, used as a verb to describe the act of being devoured.

Bob: Hey, what happened to Phil?
Bill: Remember that prostitute we met in Vegas?
Bob: Yeah?
Bill: He got vored.
Bob: Lucky bastard.

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What does "Vored" mean?

The shortening of the word 'voraphilia' which means basically 'the love of being swallowed'. A vore is technically a person who enjoys being eaten or the act of eating someone else. Vore is purely fantasy... considering it is impossible to do in reality. At times vore is sexual in nature and includes bloody tearing of flesh. Most people who are vores see it as a fetish and have been fantasizing about it since they were very young.

Pinocchio-When the whale swallows Pinocchio, or even better an example
Finding Nemo- When Dori and Marlin are swallowed by the friendly whale who then releases them.

πŸ‘2021 πŸ‘Ž555

Vored - what does it mean?

some people just wanna be swallowed whole
and others just wanna swallow people whole
moving along..

fuck.. i want to vore that fridge bro..
bro you can't vore that fridge, thats my fridge

πŸ‘93 πŸ‘Ž23

Vored - meaning

Tr. v. 1) To ingest someone or something in some way, usually through an orifice like the mouth.
Unc. n. 2) The action or activity of consuming someone or something, usually whole, or media depicting such.
Unc. n. 3) Short for a "vorarephilia", a kink which makes one enjoy vore for NSFW pleasure.
Adj. 4) Relating to, or concerned with, vore.

β€œI want you to vore me.”
β€œDo you like vore?”
β€œAre you into vore? Sexually.”
β€œDid you read the vore comic I sent you?”

πŸ‘79 πŸ‘Ž17

Vored - definition

1. vore (n) pl. vore: The original definition of this term was a nickname for vorarephilia (hint: often misspelled vorephilia or voreaphilia), derived from Latin "vorare," meaning "to devour" or "to swallow," and from Ancient Greek "philia," meaning "love" or "friend." The actual word "vorarephilia" itself refers to a paraphilia closely related to endosomatophilia, a paraphilia in which one derives sexual pleasure from being consumed or covered by anything, but vorarephilia is different in that the particular person deriving the sexual pleasure may be either an observer, a victim, or a predator, not just a victim, and in that the act must be or is preferably between two creatures who are at least remotely alive. It is sometimes (but not necessarily) consensual. There are various subsets, but the most common form is referred to as "soft vore," in which one of the two participants is swallowed whole and alive by the other. This fantasy may but does not always include digestion. The current definition of the term "vore" is usually used to refer to this paraphilia, but is sometimes used to describe any small online community of individuals who depict the content of this paraphilia with some other emotion behind the work besides sexual motivation, i.e. humor or depression. Though uncommon, such individuals and their communities undeniably exist (unless you don't believe in existence itself, or you think that everyone in the world is tricking you and is really out to get you, or anything like that).

2. vore (n) pl. vores: Any individual or group of individuals who are driven to any extent by the concept stated above.

3. vore (v) (past tense is -ed form, such as "walked" or "lumped"): To participate as the predator in the activity stated in definition 1. Not usually used with anything real as the subject or any of the objects (in a real situation, and often even in an imaginary situation, the verb "eat" is the more obvious choice).

Definition 1 example: "Warning: this picture contains vore."
Definition 2 example: "All vores are idiots." <-- Not my personal opinion, mind you
Definition 3 example: "Oh my GOD, you vored Kenny! YOU BASTARD. *kicks stomach*"

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Vored - slang

u know

u swallow somebody whole

some people wanna vore leaves

i really wanna vore some leaves rn
what the heck dude why do u wanna vore a leaf
well it's better than voring u smh

πŸ‘2007 πŸ‘Ž423


A kink which is commonly found in children shows and 18+ sites.

Basically getting devoured, eating people, or watching it happen.

Person 1: Why do you like Serleena from Men in Black 2?
Person 2: Vore.
Person 1: Okay... Let's watch James Bond instead.
Person 2: Does it have vore in it?
Person 1: No
Person 2: Damnit

πŸ‘31 πŸ‘Ž11


Short for "voraphilia" or "vorarephilia": a fetish in which one fantasizes about being eaten alive or eating another creature alive (sometimes known as phagophilia). The most common type of vore is "soft vore", being swallowed or swallowing whole with no bloodshed. There is also the less common "hard vore" which involves the tearing and chewing of flesh. Other types of vore include macrophilia and microphilia, in which one character involved in the vore is larger or smaller than normal.

Many might associate vore with cannibalism; however, most voraphiles do not favor cannibalism. Vore is an imaginary fetish; that is, it is impossible to perform in real life in the way most fantasize, unlike most cannibalism.

Also included with vore is sometimes the "furry" community: people who are interested in usually anthromorphic animals (humanized creatures). With animals as characters in vore fantasies, predation is natural and therefore somewhat more realistic.

He drew pictures of a people being swallowed whole by wolves for other voraphiles on a vore site.

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a mashed up version of very bored, used to generally use in front of those people who are very boring and u cant tell it to them on their face, so u can use the acronym and the duffers would never know

Tazu: Hey Nick, me and Ivan watched collateral together! AGAIN!!
Nick: oh man u must have gotten vored then :|

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