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What is Veyron's?

An extremly fast super car that reaches up to 253.5 mph. That speed was verified on Top gear It has been said that even at top speed the Bugatti Veyron is comfertable and undramatic. Howevr it is expensive at nearly $1,0000

Every one glared as some turned up in a bugatti veyron and put their Lamboginis and ferraries to shame.

👍45 👎127

Veyron's - meme gif

Veyron's meme gif

Veyron's - video


Veyron's - what is it?

a sick ass car that only two people in america have and one of them is in front of scott storche's house on palm island in miami off mcarthur causeway.anyways it cost about1.4 million has 1001hp 0-60 in the 2 second range and the fastest production car out now.

guy1: don't you wish you had a bugatti veyron
guy2: hell yeah man who wouldn't
guy1:let see if scott parked his veyron outside today
guy2:you bet that prick is always showing off his veyron in front of his house
guy1: lets go then we'll just tell the gate keeper we are going to look around and he'll let us in
guy2:why not we were going to the beach anyways

👍45 👎117

What does "Veyron's" mean?

The bugatti veyron is the worlds fastest, most powerful, and most expensive production car. with a top speed of 253.2 mphs. It features a W16 engine (16 cylinders in 4 banks of 4 cylinders, or the equivalent of two narrow-angle V8 engines mated in a "W" configuration, each cylinder has 4 valves, for a total of 64) with over 1001hp. It is produced in stransbourg, france where other famous fast machines are made such as the metro in paris. The car is made my Volkswagen AG whos side company is bugatti. The bugatti also features 3 radiators, 2 air conditioning systems, and 1 heat exchanger for the air to liquid intercoolers. With a car that goes 0-62 mph in 2.5 you know its one of the fastest.

Base Price?

Hey dude i'm so cool and rich look at me with my new F1 Mclaren and my lamborghini gallardo.

'Naw dude thats just chump change you see real rich cats get the bugatti veyron but it was sold out 14 months of production on its release so only pros are getting it not any losers like you.

👍155 👎321

Veyron's - what does it mean?

Mid-engined grand touring car, designed and developed by the Volkswagen Group (German). Designer name 'Jozef Kaban.' Fastest car ever!

Bugatti Veyron.

👍49 👎49

Veyron's - meaning

This is the outcome of a meeting between a few high-ranking Germans that decided it would be in Volkswagen's best interests to create a car that doesn't generate any profit. At the cost of 5 million per unit, and sale price of 1.5 million, one would think that the over-analyzing Germans would have spotted the fault in their calculations. The car itself is really a shmorgasboard of parts from the Volkswagen and Audi production bins, and contrary to popular belief it actually generates 997 horsepower. This is fairly pathetic value considering that Volkswagen piled on 4 turbochargers onto 2 engines. This is a the second fastest car in the world, losing to the SSE Ultimate Arrow, with the latter achieving record numbers using only 1 engine.

World's Most Pathetic Attempt At Creating A Net Loss: The Bugatti Veyron 16/4

👍133 👎129

Veyron's - definition

A fast, bulky mess with a Supercharged W16, nuff said. The Veyron is basically the goal for most black rappers mostly because it looks like their Ford Crown Vic on steroids. Theres a much faster set of cars out there, namely the Henessey Venom GT.

I come looking for you with Haitians
I stay smoking on good Jamaican
I fuck bitches from different races
You get money they started hating
I woke up in a new Bugatti

Fifty bucks says Ace Hood will probably get shot before he even gets 1 grand of what the Bugatti Veyron is worth.

👍87 👎59

Veyron's - slang

Pretty much the most high-end supercar someone can get. Manufactured by Bugatti in Europe, and has finally been released to the U.S. The Bugatti can top the fastest cars in the world with 250+ mph and a whopping 1000+ horsepower mid-engine. It has so much power that the Bugatti Veyron needs two keys to use all of its power. If you reach its top speed the tires will begin to melt and a whole tank of gas will be gone in a matter of minutes. The Veyron costs around $1.5 million and you have to pay nearly half of it up front before they even think about building one for you. Only a handful of people in the U.S. today own one.

Guy 1: Dude on MTV cribs I saw this one music producer with a Veyron man!

Guy 2: Aww man that is so tits! I would kill someone in front of their own mama for a Veyron!

👍59 👎83


Currently the fastest production car, with a top speed of 253mph. V16 engine and a cost of 1.2 million. there are only 50 being made per year, with 2006 being the first release year. Bugatti is the make, an old racing company currently owned by VW.

person 1 "The Veyron could give a F1 racer a run for its money."
pserson 2 "Only on a straight track. F1 cars pwn cornering"

👍141 👎119


A 1930s Le Mans driver who had a car named after him. Pierre Veyron drove a Bugatti Type 57(the basis for the ultra-expensive, handcrafted Atlantique coupe).

Veyron's Type 57 looked a squillion times better than the Bugatti Veyron.

👍85 👎33


Bugatti Veyron 16.4(VW Group ) Fastest road car. Most Powerful production car. Most expensive production car. 8 litre, quad turbo,64 valve, W16 engine producing 1001 BHP at 6000rpm and 1250 Newtonmetres of torque between 2,200 and 5,500 rpm. Engine produces 2000HP in heat. 0-60mph 3 secs. 0-180mph 14 secs. Top speed 250mph+ (400kph+) Consuming a gallon of RON 98 and 45,000 litres of air in about a minute. Seven speed seqeuntial gearbox mated to dual clutch system sending power to all four wheels with a new traction control system. Tyres are widest ever fitted to production car, custom designed by michelin. Quite possibly the most advanced car the world has ever, and will ever see. If you have to ask the price, you cant afford it.

Etore Bugatti:"Nothing can be too beautiful or too expensive" ME"the Veyron makes an F1 car look pedestrian"
"The automotive equivilant of a speedball"

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