Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Vete a la verga?

suck my dick in spanish

ay, wassup dude

nah fuck u, vete la verga

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Vete a la verga - video


Vete a la verga - what is it?

cursing that means something like: Die motherfucker bitch!

... always have to come up with your shit you bastard asshole, when will there be respect, you are like a fucking flye that's fucking and fucking on and on and on... vete a la verga!

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What does "Vete a la verga" mean?

Mexican vulgar slang. Pretty much means β€œGo to hell” or β€œGo Fuck yourself” It’s on those lines.

Julio: Me acoste con tu mujer...
Carlos: Despues de todo este tiempo! Vete a la verga!

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