Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Vadapav?

Vadapav is very popular dish in India. Rohit Sharma is called as Father of Indian Vadapav

Example: Hey, Don't eat like ROHIT SHARMA otherwise you'll become Vadapav

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Vadapav - meme gif

Vadapav meme gif

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Vadapav - what is it?

A potato clubbed by two fat breads . It's mainly eaten by Vadapaw Sharma also known as shitman of Indian cricket.

Shittu is the brand ambassador of Indian vadapaw.
He weighs 120kg (50kg gained in recent years after eating healthy vadapaw)

you cannot compete in vadapav competition unless you are a Mumbai Indians fan

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What does "Vadapav" mean?

Vadapav: It's a famous Indian Dish got popularity in recent years. And Rohit Sharma is called as Father of Vadapav. He increased his weight to 100kgs only by eating Vadapav.
Rohit is the brand ambassador of Indian Vadapav

Example: Hey, Don't eat like ROHIT SHARMA otherwise you'll become like Vadapav

👍103 👎39