Definder - what does the word mean?

What is VENTURE?

An animated comedy show currently running on Adult Swim. The Venture Bros follows the tales of two, dim-witted, adventurous boys (Dean and Hank), their scientist father("Doc" or Dr. Venture, sometimes called by his child hood name "Rusty) and their super spy body gaurd, Brock Sampson.

The first season is avalible on DVD, and the second season is currently being show on Adult Swim.

I just saw The Venture Bros last night, Brock went completely bad-ass on everyone.

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VENTURE - meme gif

VENTURE meme gif

VENTURE - video


VENTURE - what is it?

A specific sexual act, possibly created by Colonel Horace Gentleman and Tennessee Williams back in P-Town. The exact details of what constitutes a "Rusty Venture" are in question, but here are several possible answers:

*Note* Most of the descriptions listed are gay sexual acts.

1. When you jerk off so much your dick gets all red and sore. - Brock's description (and widely believed to be the real one due to it being the only act that could likely be something Rusty himself has done).

2. When you take your finger and run it around a guy's asshole while you jack the guy off into his own mouth. - The Alchemist's description

3. A Snake Venom - Shoreleave's description

4. A Double Frogman - Colonel Gentleman's description

5. When you fist a guy then open up your hand inside his ass and grab. Whatever you come out with you rub on his dick. - Watch's description

6. When you take a girl out for a huge dinner but you don't let her use the restroom. Then you have anal sex with her and she poops all over your dick. So right when you're about to get off you take it out and blow shit-cum on her back. That's the rusty part. The venture part is where you eat that junk off her back without using your hands. - Ward's description

7. A handjob that involves rubbing shit all over a guy's dick, a turkey baster, and both parties eating their way through something while in a bathtub. - Triana's description

I'm gonna give you a Rusty Venture!

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What does "VENTURE" mean?

A sugar daddy that invests in the woman's future instead of just giving her money.

Bae is my venture daddy, he just paid for my MBA and college tour.

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VENTURE - what does it mean?

sick brand makes trucks and other parts.

i got new ventures on my deck.

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VENTURE - meaning

To be extraordinarilly lame. To think one's self as cool when they are really lame. To sit back and not take risks. Very boring.

Man that kid who is sleeping is so Venture.

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VENTURE - definition

low quality

Those runners are so venture dude! Where did you get them? Zellers?

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VENTURE - slang

To leave everything and go somewhere without knowing anyone

That man venture somewhere

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A male or female Australian scout between the age of 15 and 18. Who loves to party with others, dance to rave/scar music and gets pissed often. They also love fire and knifes. Venturers do it in the bush

Girl: Dude your a venturer thats sweet
Boy: want to party?
Girl: Hell yes

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The Ventures is an awesome instrumental group formed by Don Wilson and Bob Bogle. They started in 1958 being masorny workers at the time.

The Ventures mostly pioneered in surf and rock genres. Also Indian and Arabic (among other) themes can be found in their music.

What else there is to say... they clearly changed the whole industry by their creative and inspiring touch

Have you heard Wipe Out by The Ventures? The drummer must have pretty friggin sore arms after that kinda insane whipping...

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to undertake a risky journey or action.

Myers and Jones is a joint venture.
I ventured eating at Miffy's

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