Definder - what does the word mean?

What is VCD's?

The inability to correctly identify food visually

Andrew "hey, that bangers & mash looks delicious!"

Meg "its pasta, dickhead"

Visual Culinary Dysplasia (VCD)

👍25 👎11

VCD's - meme gif

VCD's meme gif

VCD's - video


VCD's - what is it?

Visual Communication Design

I am a VCD major at Purdue University

👍49 👎37

What does "VCD's" mean?

Virgin Club Dropout

I am a recent vCd.
Antonym: I rock the V.

👍43 👎21

VCD's - what does it mean?

Vaginal Cleansing Device.

"Don't listen to him. He's a total VCD."

👍49 👎23

VCD's - meaning

A cd with a movie on it. Like a DVD, except worse. More like a VHS. Except it's a CD and can play on a DVD player.

Don't buy VCD's in Maylasia or Singapore, they are most likely either bootlegged or censored.

👍89 👎47

VCD's - definition

VCD stands for Video CD which is Video Compact Disk. It contains movies.

what movie is on that vcd?

👍77 👎27