Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Urking?


My cat urked on my laptop's keyboard, and now it's not working. (true story)

👍51 👎29

Urking - meme gif

Urking meme gif

Urking - video


Urking - what is it?

means ick but maisy made it because ben found the word ick a turn off but i needed to say something was an ick still so i changed the word to urk thankyou for listening

maisy- "and that was such an ick
ben "maisy dont ever say that again that just turned me off"
miasy' okay sorry that gave me the urk
ben *round of aplause*- smacks maisys bum xooxoxoxo

👍29 👎11

What does "Urking" mean?

to annoy or bother someone deeply.

Gurl numba 1: grrrrrrr i don't like ha
Gurl numba 2: why not? she's nice....
Gurl numba 1: she just urks me..something about her just annoys me
Gurl numba 2: ok

👍231 👎151

Urking - what does it mean?

it is irritating or annoying you.

Also spelled Irking

My daughter is Urking my nerves when she doesn't answer her cell phone.

👍39 👎15

Urking - meaning

-to annoy, irritate, or "push someone's buttons"

-urking: to be annoying or mad

example: "why you be urking me" "you urking bro?" "this be urking me" "are you really gonna urke me?!"

👍75 👎37

Urking - definition

The sound made by an individual when they hear something but cannot quite believe it to be true, due to its shocking nature. It is a designed to sound "what?" but also shocked like "ahhh!"

Brownie - I just received a very deep papercut to the tip of my penis
Matt - URK?!?!?!

👍91 👎41

Urking - slang

Something that is really, really annoying. Like when my brother tells me something isn't spelled right.

See, I told you it was spelled urked.

👍157 👎55


to piss someone off.

when someone pisses you off: "don't urk me boy!"

👍567 👎219


version of irking that complete dumbass use. Sounds the sane but not a fucking word idiots

It irks my soul when people spell my legit fav expression as urking

👍27 👎17


Is annoyed or irritated by a certain person or thing

You are urking my nerves so much it hurts my brain.

👍27 👎13