Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ulting?

It's that fourth skill in league of legends or dota 2 that's extremely game changing.

Just use your ult

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Ulting - meme gif

Ulting meme gif

Ulting - video


Ulting - what is it?

Short for ''ultimate''.

Boi, this shit be ultimate!

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What does "Ulting" mean?

Short for ultimate bias. Typically used by fangirls and fanboys to describe their favourite celebrity amongst the many that they are fans of.

G-Dragon is my ult

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Ulting - what does it mean?

lingo for an ultimate ability in Overwatch

"Zenyatta Ult"

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Ulting - meaning

Ults stands for ultimates. It is typically used in Kpop to describe your favourite groups (ult groups), favourite biases (ult biases) or favourites in general (ults).

β€œYuta from nct and Vivi from loona are my ults.”

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Ulting - definition

shortened form of ultimate bias. commonly used in fandoms by fangirls and fanboys to describe their absolute favourite celeb(s). used most often by kpop fans.

β€œi don’t care how many kpop groups i stan, at the end of the day i’m still hoseok’s bitch”
β€œso he’s your ult then?”
β€œyes bitch!”

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Ulting - slang

When your mind gets blown so much you have no fucking clue what is going on.

I just ulted

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When a streamer (especially a female) breaks out in tears on stream to garner the sympathy of the viewers and instantly disarm adversaries because the optics are so overwhlemingly bad to continue the disagreement that it renders logic and reason moot.

This originates from MOBA games where an ultimate ability (almost always shortened to ult) is the strongest move available to a given character. A streamer's crying is their "ult" because it is the most persuasive action available to them in front of an audience.

Also commonly, "ulting" or "using ult"

Oh god, she's ulting. This debate is pretty much over now.

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"The definition of being ULT

Is being the best you at all times

Fuck the opposite if they ain't ULT

Destroy them

being the Ultimate you"

-Denzel Curry

"Y'all niggas ain't U.L.T." (ult)

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When someone starts crying in the middle of an argument/confrontation to gain sympathy.
- Appeal to Emotion

- Lav is Ulting on a stream in the middle of a debate.

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