Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ugly Ass Bitch?

someone that is very unattractive

Logan: yo man what do you think of jessica
Mateo: shes a ugly ass bitch

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Ugly Ass Bitch - video


Ugly Ass Bitch - what is it?

a dumb fat ugly bitch ass whore is usually a word to use when you describe someone who is being a dumb fat ugly bitch ass whore.
this person almost always goes by the name of kai and they almost always have weird-ass Fucking eyebrows and moustache.

coolhotgirl12345- "wow that guy has some weird-ass fucking eyebrows and moustache."
dumb fat ugly bitch ass slut- "oh you mean kai? you can just call him a dumb fat ugly bitch ass whore"
coolhotgirl12345- "what a great name to call someone whos being a dumb fat ugly bitch ass whore

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What does "Ugly Ass Bitch" mean?

A day for that β€œspecial” ugly ass kid or your friend that’s just so fucking ugly!!!

Oh wow it’s national dumb ugly ass bitch day I didn’t even know that was a day!!!

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Ugly Ass Bitch - what does it mean?

One that exhibits all the qualities of a bitch, but is also ugly as hell. The typical treatment of an ugly ass bitch involves being thrown flights of stairs by anyone worthy of determining the status of ugly ass bitches.

Person 1: Omg who is she?
Person 2: Ugh her name is Rylie, isn't she an ugly ass bitch?

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Ugly Ass Bitch - meaning

Bruh you just ugly you need some plastic surgery so get some help from Kylie Jenner.

β€œOmg isn’t she such an ugly ass bitch with them fake Gucci slides from Walmart.”

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Ugly Ass Bitch - definition

yes this person reading this is and ugly ass bitch she is very ugly with a bad ass attitude and all she does in a day is watch tiktoks, youtube and scroll on insta so get your fat ass of the bed and do something else

jessica is ugly ass bitch always scrolling on tiktok

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Ugly Ass Bitch - slang

some girl that is hella ugly and possibly does meth when on break at a valero and dyes her hair all types of dumbass fucking colors.

Did you see Rubys new hair? what an ugly ass bitch.

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Ugly Ass Bitch

An ugly ass bitch is when you see an ugly woman you yell what an ugly ass bitch

Linda Newton is an ugly ass bitch from Philadelphia

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Ugly Ass Bitch

Coralynn bryant @twettybird98

Coralynn is a ugly ass bitch

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Ugly Ass Bitch

One that exhibits all the qualities of a bitch, but is also ugly as hell. The typical treatment of an ugly ass bitch involves being thrown flights of stairs by anyone worthy of determining the status of ugly ass bitches.

"Do you know Cameron Prevatte?"
"Cam? Yea, I threw that ugly ass bitch down the stairs yesterday."

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