Definder - what does the word mean?


1. To reveal information damaging to another's character as to a boss or girlfriend.

Yo, Ben, thanks for throwing me under the bus with that remark about those girls.

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UNDER THE BUS - what is it?

You get thrown under the bus when someone (usually a co-worker) reports some wrongdoing or slacking off to a superior or other influential person. Sometimes used with the suffix "Vrooooom!" to simulate the noise the bus would make as it passes by at a high rate of speed.

"Dicky George, I can't believe you just threw me under the bus."

👍473 👎529

What does "UNDER THE BUS" mean?

Physically throwing a person under a big, smelly city bus is the perfect metaphor for the act of positioning someone to be ground up under the wheels of the ever rolling omnibus of society in your stead. The bus carries people. The people's weight is what crushes the victim. This setting up of a patsy has an earlier, more agrarian beginning in "throwing him to the wolves." Someone is going down, it's not going to be you, so you select a candidate to feed into the system.

"Throw under the bus"
Every time the president gets in trouble, he'll throw another cabinet member under the bus.

👍521 👎527

UNDER THE BUS - what does it mean?

To be thrown under the bus; A popular term at Boeing and possibly other corporate entities.
When someone either intentionally or unintentionally says something that makes you look bad or points out a mistake you made in front of your peers. This is similar to being backstabbed, but usually the circumstances are much more minor. This is sometimes used jokingly to tell someone that what they said may have crossed the line, or they were stepping on your toes.

"Way to throw me under the bus in there Abraham! I hadn't told any of them they were being transferred, you let the cat out of the bag before I had a chance to tell them!"

"I was thrown under the bus every day Jebadiah, those A-holes have no respect!"

👍69 👎25

UNDER THE BUS - meaning

Phrase made popular by a small town graphic designer in northern Michigan after watching two battling chipmonks attempt to hurl one another under a fast moving shortbus. Denotes an individual's willingness to sacrifice another's future and recognition for one's own gain. Blatant disregard for another's well-being. Betrayal.

Anakin through her co-worker under the bus.
Net was thrown under the bus.

👍175 👎51

UNDER THE BUS - definition

One is thrown under the bus when they are made the scapegoat or blamed for something that wasn't their responsibility in the first place. A coverup for your mistake.

Ruby Red, I didn't have time to do the business report, so I threw you under the bus and told the boss it was your job instead.

👍1285 👎393


1. To intentionally reveal damaging or unflattering information about another's character or transpired event, while at the same time trying to make themselves look good or innocent in the eyes of the listener. To shift blame or attention in a cowardly way.

The varsity quarteback was thrown under the bus by a sophomore when the coach was told who toilet papered his house.

👍179 👎33


to sacrifice some other person, usually one who is undeserving or at least vulnerable, to make personal gain.

He'd throw his mother under the bus if it'd mean he could beat the rap.

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to put the heat on somebody or to put them in a tough position.

Why did you have to tell the boss what I was saying about his wife, you really threw me under the bus.

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To cast a person in an unfavorable light with others; to take action or make statements intended to put another person at a disadvantage.

Origin: A Boston radio station manager coined the term circa 1987-88 when canceling a radio network's services on his music-oriented FM station, stating that he was going to put the network "under the bus." The term was picked up by staff members to describe conduct in which one person would try to gain an advantage in company politics by speaking ill of, or doing something to reflect disfavorably on, another. In this context, it generally meant something that was a combination of sneaky, subtle and vicious. The phrase crept into on-air talk. In time, the radio station's owner acquired a sports-oriented station whose employees picked up the phrase and eventually began using it on highly-rated programs.

Joe really threw Sally under the bus in the meeting today. She wasn't there and he said the company would have won the Simpson account if Sally hadn't gotten drunk at the lunch meeting.

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