Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Twenty-ten?

absolutely hot as fuck and blows everyone out of the water when they walk into a room. The smile on a ten twenty seven can light up a room like nothing else.

DAMNNNNN Look at that guy over there he is definitely a ten twenty seven!

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Twenty-ten - meme gif

Twenty-ten meme gif

Twenty-ten - video


Twenty-ten - what is it?

twenty-ten is the highest of anything to be twenty-ten in somthing is to be 99 irl

i am twenty-ten happy with people how need what

👍35 👎63

What does "Twenty-ten" mean?

A pronunciation of the year 2010 being used by lazy sacks of shit.

a.) Happy Twenty-Ten!
b) You mean Two-Thousand-Ten?
b.) No, Twenty-Ten. Because I'm that lazy

👍29 👎15

Twenty-ten - what does it mean?

The correct, and short pronunciation of the year 2010.

a.) Happy new year! Happy twenty-ten!!!
b.) Huh? WTH it's two thousand and ten?
a.) If you want to pronounce that long ass word be my guest. I guess you want to party like it's nineteen hundred and ninety nine too?

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