Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Twenty-six?


just wow.

Are you that bored? Are you not doing your homework like me?

kek: i just searched up five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes on urban dictionary!

ket: get a life

👍27 👎13

Twenty-six - meme gif

Twenty-six meme gif

Twenty-six - video


Twenty-six - what is it?

The age where you realize you are closing in on thirty. Also, the age when you realize that you are no longer a young adult, but a real adult. This is the point where you know if you have done nothing with your life, you better get crackin. You can still have fun at twenty-six, just make sure that you take care of your priorities because it's better to be a loser at twenty-six then be a bum at forty.

My friend just turned twenty-six and realized that she has nothing to show for it, not even a car.

👍49 👎31