Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Twab?

When your having sex with a seal and the seal poops out a baby seal, so you hit it with a shovel. Then, you hit the mother in the head with a shovel for being such a dumb seal and continue to bone her. After your done, you poop on her.

when i went to the zoo, i quabbed a twab.

👍3273 👎1279

Twab - video


Twab - what is it?

When a seal is banging you and you poop out a baby. then the seal hits it in the head with a shovel, then hits you in the head with a shovel for being a stupid human. Then continues to bang you and when it is done poops in/on you.

The opposite of quabbing a twab.

When the seal came to the zoo he was twabbing a quab.

👍61 👎15

What does "Twab" mean?

Three Week Away Balls: Medical condition particular to Offshore workers after spending 3weeks away

"Mary you better get over here quickly I've got the Twabs, and I'm away to stand on the toothpaste tube"

👍27 👎17

Twab - what does it mean?

to club a stupid seal!!

when u r mad at a seal and u twab it

👍59 👎65

Twab - meaning

TWAB - (Time Wasting Ass Bitch). A seemingly single female (usually in a nightclub, lounge, or bar) who would pretend to be interested, and take up most of your night , only to find out she is unavailable or not interested.

Example 1:
Guy 1 : Hey i'm going to talk to that tall blonde with the big boobs
Guy 2: Don't waste your time on that TWAB

Example 2:
Guy 1: Yo man I spoke to that chick all night and she didn't even give me her number
Guy 2: I told you she was a TWAB!

👍55 👎51

Twab - definition

a general derogatory term with no actual definition

KevP: Man this guy a twab
Phong: What is a twab?
KevP: you a twab

Thomas: hi im thomas
Stephen: you r a twab
Thomas: huh?

👍193 👎147

Twab - slang

a nonsensical derogatory term with no meaning used by twabs to inflict mental harm on others although it actually proves how twabby the person truly is.

Stephen: ur a twab
Phong: only twabs say that
Stephen: thats not what the official def says
Phong: thats what all twabs say

Kev"I'm a twab"P: u a twab
Phong: ur mum

Thomas: hey ur a twab
Phong: no u r
Thomas: *cries*

👍139 👎77


'Twab' means hitting on a woman or flirting with a woman. And, when you are in the act, it means you are 'Twabbing'. Finally, when the act is successful, it means you 'Twabbed' her.
(Ladies, feel free to use it and 'Twab' some men)

Are you gonna twab her?
Are you gonna twab tonight?
Come on guys we had enough drinks, lets go twabbing.
Did you twab her? woho! someone's gonna get laid tonight.

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A contraction of the words twat and scab.

Don't be such a bleeding twab.

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Some nerd ass thing only destiny fans get excited about

Did you see the twab bro my last word is getting more aim assist 🤓

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