Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tria?

It is 10^^^3

I have tria-taxis euro

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Tria - meme gif

Tria meme gif

Tria - video


Tria - what is it?

1 - a wonderful singer that SO MANY people judge without knowing the facts and base it on primary assumptions.

2 - one of the best things that actually created an extent to diversity within the media.

Jasmine Trias is awesome!

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What does "Tria" mean?

when someone said something ambiguous and then not follow up with anything

"Can you elaborate?"
"Bruh, Trias moment"

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Tria - what does it mean?

(adj.) describing guys who can pick up girls with only four words

Yo man that trias kid just picked up all the babes

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Tria - meaning



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Tria - definition

Tria is the finest girl you gone meet, and she smart asf

Tria is fine asf omm

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Tria - slang

Tria is the most finest female you will ever meet, and the smartest

Tria got that gorilla grip coochie

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Tria is the funniest girl you will ever meet, and she smart asf. Her so called β€œbrother” is very rude to her for some reason but its ok. She fine asf and is very TALL although some may be a li taller than her. She is a straight A student and she likes tacos and burritos

Tria is very smart !!

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tria is the best friend in the whole world. Tria is very rare person to come by there maybe only 1 tria in the whole univers.

tria is the best cousin/ friend

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A wonderful sweet kind of a girl that is sweet,kind, and generous.But if you get on her bad side then you might as well go to hell then get on her bad side. we all love Tria more then ever.

-Maggie James

Tria - sweet and kind

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