Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tri-polar?

A crazy fat bitch that believes taking over the counter diet pills will make her into a model. These fatties subject all who cross their paths to mood swings that go from tweeked out Britney Spears-smile mania, to unforseen rage, then ultimately to slobbery tear soaked self-loathing. (This happens in about 5 minutes or less) They usually recover by having unprotected sex with people and fake pregnancy shortly after a mood swing.

Typical Tri Polar behavior:
"OMG I totally lost 2 inches, not pounds but I have these jeans will you help me zip them up??-smiles like a pie-eyed psycho- NEXT PHASE:Shit, that bitch _______ wants me to pound in her fuckin' face.-Turns red, screams a 'retard type-GRRRUUUHH-THIRD PHASE: I was watching this thing on Oprah about how I might be dying from cancer, and not even know it....I don't want to die. -Begins unwrapping twinkie, eating it and sobbing, chasing each bite with diet soda"FINAL PHASE: "I can't believe I slept with_______ he's different, you know he opened up to me..My period is like 2 days late..what am I gonna do?"

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Tri-polar - meme gif

Tri-polar meme gif

Tri-polar - video


Tri-polar - what is it?

A person whose level of insanity is beyond the normal spectrum of craziness. This person is so fragile that they can go between 3 moods in less than 5 seconds.

Singular: "Dude, my new teacher, she is one tri-polar son of a gun!"

Plural: "Would you look at those goth kids over there? What a

bunch of tri-polars!"

"You said it man."

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What does "Tri-polar" mean?

A woman who is absolutely out off her Tree and off her medication, who one minute is all sunshine and rainbows the next minute she the storm!
Tri-polar(some next levels) comes after by-polar and is intense crazy bitch syndrome! Best way is to stay away!
She got mad issues ! Problems are coming!

She just snapped and just turned tri-polar and through me out the house!

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Tri-polar - what does it mean?

someone having 2 different personalities (multiple personality disorder) yet both being bi-polar

I swear my wife is tri-polar.... Shes 2 different women rolled into one both of the fuckin nuts!!!!!

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Tri-polar - meaning

the next step beyond your normal level of insanity. And or the third level of madness.

my friend was crazy before... but this made her completely tri-polar.

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Tri-polar - definition

When you have to ask which of the three personalities they are today.

Tri-polar personalities would be, Hey becca did you put bucca away is that why debbie is out.

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Tri-polar - slang

A word used to describe a person who is or acts "bi-polar" or whose mood is completely unpredictable to an extreme level.

My girlfriend's mental diagnosis was so off the charts that they said she wasn't bi-polar - she's tri-polar!

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