Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Toran?

Is a gay ass fagot that will fuck any creature that is a guy

He is kinda cool but obviously a dirty toran

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Toran - meme gif

Toran meme gif

Toran - video


Toran - what is it?

The sacred ritual used by a select group of apple geniuses when trying to find a solution. The ritual consost of apple geniuses interacting with colourful space like bubbles which knows all and sees all secrets of the universe.

Muggle:My iphone 4s is having trouble upgrading to the IOS7 software I hace tried everything what should I do?

Apple Genius: Trickey.We Geniuses will perform the TOran ra abd seek guidance from the higher power. Very well may we offer you a $60 itunes voucher?

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What does "Toran" mean?

The term toran is used as a insult

Fuck off toran

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Toran - what does it mean?

Chief keef -Love sosa

Toran is a dick

👍27 👎15

Toran - meaning

Is gay

Toran is a gay Nonce

👍47 👎37

Toran - definition

a generic term for a sexy pseudo-Aussie bard who charms strange characters and makes them do his bidding (which he got on high from the Grand High Kangaroo). His singing has a nice lilting quality due to the copious amounts of Foster's beer he consumes.

I'll give you something Toran-ical, when I sing down by the gully...ayy yippie, alroity then!

Typical bit of convo with a Toran:

Toran tells you, 'I totally should trans my ephod for this crap'
You tell Toran, 'indeed...need trans help?'
Toran tells you, 'shake.. I'd have to recharm'
You tell Toran, 'you're charming though!'
Toran tells you, 'laf'
You tell Toran, 'hehe'

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Toran - slang

Toran is a loving person, if he says I love you HE MEANS IT no matter what. If your his best friend he will be the one bestest friend you could ever have. He is caring, kind-hearted athletic, crazy, funny, weird, a smart alack, and just a really good person.

Me: Hey Toran what's up?

Toran: The sky 😂

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