Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Toochie?

Someone else who has a piss kink

Zoil and Toochi have a piss kink

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Toochie - video


Toochie - what is it?

Money an ex-spouse must pay in support to a man she/he married because he had a hot body.

Also see tittie tax.

-Did you hear Barbara and Dan are getting divorced after only ten months?

-She's going to have to pay a hefty toochis tax to get out of that one.

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What does "Toochie" mean?

What's up pussy? Also, see toochie

Hey you watta-toochies. What up!

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Toochie - what does it mean?

toochie is a word used for a very hairy vagina

yo dude last night that girl had a toochie

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Toochie - meaning

coochie; vagina

go whipe your toochie.

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Toochie - definition

The name Toochi is a Nigerian name which means "Praise God" and is of Igbo origin.

Person A: Hey, Toochi how are you doing today?

Toochi: Iā€™m doing good, how about you? :)

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Toochie - slang

yiddish for butt.
Commonly associated with Tushi (yiddish for buttocks).
Also used in "Jew Crew" Slang

Damn, that guy has a nice toochis!

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One who has a very tight walls in other words a very tight coo hue

Jeremy: broo that three way last night was wack bro

Doug: Ik bro she had a good toochie

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