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What is Tony Hawk's Underground?

The best game to play online ever which is often called THUG.

"I just bought THUG the other day man!"

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Tony Hawk's Underground - video


Tony Hawk's Underground - what is it?

The greatest Skateboarding game ever created by mankind. At the time of writing this, the game is 10 years and 3 months old and is still widely known as the best Skating game ever made. If Neversoft had any sense, they would release it in the Xbox Live Marketplace.

Jimmy's Mom: So, Jimmy, what do you want for Christmas 2014? Xbox one, PS4...?
Jimmy: Nah, I saw a PS2 on eBay for $24.
Jimmy's Mom: Okay... why a PS2? I thought I bought you one of those, like, 12 years ago.
Jimmy: Yeah but it broke last year. I want another one so i can play Tony Hawk's Underground. It's sick.

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