Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tongas?

The only rugby league team that had the greatest comeback in history. The only team that got four touchdowns within 10 minutes before the clock ran out. The only team that had the best support. The only team that was robbed of a touchdown and was supposed to go to FINALs!

You think you good? Bro you ain't Mate Ma'a Tonga Status tho!

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Tongas - meme gif

Tongas meme gif

Tongas - video


Tongas - what is it?

A time to neck the ever living shit outta someone.

Person 1: Hey dude I think it’s Tonga time

Person 2: Oh sweet lets do it together

Person 3: Hey guys what’s uβ€”
Person 3 gets necked


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What does "Tongas" mean?

A word describing a beautiful ass. The two well proportioned cheeks with equal and just enough meat.

"wow, shorty got a fucking fla-tonga!"
"that aint no badonkadonk, thats a dam fla-tonga!"

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Tongas - what does it mean?

A word that means nothing, but is still remarkably funny to say.

You wanna hear something funny.... tongas.

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Tongas - meaning

Take Longer --> combine the two together and you get 'tonga'. Basically instead of sarcastically saying to someone when they are taking ages, "take longer", you just say "tonga" in a sarcastic tone. I.e. HURRY UP

Someone is taking shitloads of time to get ready........ "Oi....... TONGA!!!!' achshav 4

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Tongas - definition

Breasts, boobies, titty bongo's.

She's got a cracking pair of tongas. I'd like to nuzzle in those tongas. The word tongas originates from Manchester Metropolitan University student Bradley Thompson.

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Tongas - slang

A term in Ghanaian popular culture used to describe the vagina or may refer to act of vaginal-penile sex.

The term which had existed in the early 2000s may have originated from the Commonwealth Hall (popularly called 'Vandals') of the University of Ghana, gained nationwide popularity following an award-winning hiplife banger titled "tonga" by Joey B featuring Sarkodie.

Dude had to squander his school fees on impressing the new girl all because of tonga.

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a slang widely use by Africa's especially Ghanians to mean pussy or vagina

Tonga means pussy thus

T: The
O: Organ
N: No
G: Guy
A: Avoid

BOY :man i dey hustle oo
MAN: all becos of tonga
BOY: no all cos of money

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Strongest and fearless but the most friendly nation you'll come by in the pacific. Ancient times when warriors of Tonga traveled by kalia, or canoe, with armies conquering a wide area of Polynesia, from Rotuma in the west to Niue in the east, including much of Samoa.

tonga took over samoa, niue, and the list go on. anit no pacific nation stronger.

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strongest nation. Pacific islanders;

There a hardcore nation

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