Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ton Ton?

a dirty ton ton is someone who does nasty things with plus sized people

did you see the girls mitchell has been with lately hes a dirty ton ton

👍25 👎11

Ton Ton - video


Ton Ton - what is it?

A ton ton is someone who is usually overweight and very up there own arse, their family usually has some money they sponge off but they really have no future prospects

Them two guys ross and sam are real ton tons

👍27 👎19

What does "Ton Ton" mean?

To cut open a living being, usually an animal, and get inside to use their body heat for warmth. (Sometimes used as a angry threat to annoying people during times of extreme cold.)

Han Solo preformed an emergency ton-ton procedure using a lightsaber in order to keep Luke Skywalker alive on the frozen planet of Hoth.

👍79 👎101

Ton Ton - what does it mean?

Furry, white creature with spiral horns. Home planet of Hoth. A mix between a goat and a kangaroo.

1. A method of transportation in star wars: battlefront. Used in the icy tundras of Hoth to get around quickly. Very weak and prone to bouts of standing completely still trying to figure out how it survives without anything to eat but snow and ice.

2. A sleeping bag used to stay warm and cozy on the cold, wintry nights of Hoth. The problem with using a Ton-ton as a sleeping bag is that this often results in the death of the Ton-ton as vital organs and "stuff" gush out upon entering the gizzard of a Ton-ton. Also, the smell is pretty nasty, but what did you expect, a 4-star hotel?

1."OMFG!! 1t'5 4 FL337 0F 70N-70N!!"
"hey guys, let's give 'em a chance and ride in with Ton-ton's."

2."d00d! Fr33 M34l + C0zy 5L33P1NG 7h1NgY?1?!?1?! H0w 1 L0z3?"
"Hey! that my freikin Ton-ton! What are you...... o.O oh my god......"

👍159 👎101

Ton Ton - meaning

when you pass out while your member is still inside of the female

dude, last night i was so hammered i accidentally ton ton-ed this chick

👍303 👎117