Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tom brady's?

A little overrated pussy.

"Wow!Tom Brady is so good!"
"No he isn't,you faggot."

👍373 👎313

Tom brady's - video


Tom brady's - what is it?

A quarterback who some say is overrated. Apparently has the "best recivers" and that is why he is so prolific. Brady has Moss and Welker, two great recievers, but do you remember when he won 3 superbowls? Yeah, no recivers who did anything. Brady can make anyone look good. IE: Donte Stallworth, Reche Caldwell. Also holds the records for much touchdowns in a quarter(5), and most touchdowns in a season (50)

Pats fan:Tom Brady is among the best quarterbacks in the league, along with Peyton Manning, and Drew Brees.
Idiot:Liek no wayyyyyyz Eli Manning owns brady all day
Pats Fan:Thats why he cant do shit without a stellar defense or Plaxico Burress
Idiot:hahahaha shut up newb Brady Sucks
Pats Fan:I guess Michael Phelps sucks too then.

👍1117 👎1033

What does "Tom brady's" mean?

Gay- Noun

1. tom brady.

"Matt and I fight like teenage girls," said Tom Brady, speaking of backup QB Matt Cassel. "We are always slapping each other around and wrestling and slap boxing and messing around with each other in the weight room. And so I decided to take that to the next level. And we were messing around in the quarterback room one day and he walked in with a milkshake, and I kind of put my foot by the door, and I kicked the door and the milkshake splashed up and went all over him. So he sat down, and I was laughing. So I said give me the towel, because I wanted to clean up the wall. So I threw the towel at his face, and it had shake all over it. He had a little shake in his mouth and he spit it all over me."

So every team playing them including oakland watch out cause he wants you to touch his sack in the pocket

Tom Brady is so HOMO!

👍469 👎401

Tom brady's - what does it mean?

The root cause of Tuberculosis.

I think I got Tom Brady from my last trip to Indonesia.

👍1309 👎1147

Tom brady's - meaning

A person that wins frequently but upon losing turns into a complete introverted crybaby.

After Tyler lost that race yesterday, he stormed off the track and didn't talk to anyone for the rest of the day. He was acting like a total Tom Brady.

👍4961 👎3607

Tom brady's - definition

New England Patriots quarterback. Disliked by most men outside of New England not only because he usually spanks their respective teams but also because most of their girlfriends think of Tom Brady during intercourse.

"My girlfriend had three orgasms with me last night,thanks Tom Brady!"

"did you see the colts last night? They looked like a high school ladies football team!Thanks Tom Brady"

👍4121 👎2793

Tom brady's - slang

the act of ejaculating into a woman (or man's) "butt chin"

Dude i totally did the Tom Brady right into her chin!

👍47 👎17

Tom brady's

A man who kisses his son on the lips, and was alive during the cretaceous period

He shoved his penis into his son so hard he got him pregnant, so he pulled a Tom Brady

👍131 👎63

Tom brady's

(verb) the act of a man sitting to pee

I woke up in the middle of the night and had to pee, but I had to Tom Brady because I was too drunk to stand up.

👍1409 👎763

Tom brady's

Another word for Satan. And imma tell you why he is clearly Satan. This dude was down in the Super Bowl 28-3 in the 3rd quarter. YOU CANT COME BACK AGAINST THE BROWNS 28-3 IN THE 3RD QUARTER! Also he did this with all white receivers! If you're playing a pick up flag football game, there is no way in hell you are winning with an all white receiving line. Tom Brady found a way to do that so there is your proof that he is Satan.

I hate to say it but Tom Brady is the G.O.A.T

👍665 👎197