Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tit Mouse?

A mouse that lives in a tit, but this one is specifically bob marley's.

Wow did you see bob Marley's tit mouse? Yeah that's a really ripe one!

👍37 👎11

Tit Mouse - video


Tit Mouse - what is it?

some one who's being a tit head, douch wad, douch bag, faggot, homo, retard, annoying, or just a complete fuck face. can also be used to insult people who are smaller then you and annoying.

Jenn you're being a tit mouse. so just fuck off!

👍49 👎99

What does "Tit Mouse" mean?

1. A varied number of small insect-eating songbirds, found in woodland areas throughout the world.

2. Bushtit, willow tit.

3. A phrase that when uttered in the presence of a conservative, esp. a tea bagger, may cause mild distress and an uncontrollable batting of the ears. When left untreated, the affection may lead to a condition known as libergenditis.

Note: An American species, the black-capped chickadee can be found throughout the back-woods and rolling hills of the deep southern states and West Virginia. A particularly active species has been spotted frequenting small city centers, infesting the eaves of buildings e.g., town halls, churches and a food distribution center known as the Piggluh Wiggluh.

Jimbo: "I cant stop itchin so Jeff"

Jefferson: "Could be that yer allergic ta them birds over yonder in them ther rafters."

Jimbo: "Wat, a lil' ol' 'tit mouse'?"

Jefferson: "Could be... now stop yer fidgetin' an hold that ladda steady."

Jimbo: "Jeff?"

Jefferson: "Whuats that Jimbo?

Jimbo: "Whycome they gotta put church bells so high?"

Jefferson: "Ye got me thar ol' Jim..."

👍35 👎29

Tit Mouse - what does it mean?

A mouse with gigantic tits. A mouse is a small, brown, furry rodent - this type has a large pair of human breasts on it's chest (think Pamela Anderson meets Mrs Frisby).

Look at the rack on that tit mouse.

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