Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Three shakes?

After using a urinal you're permitted to remove any excess urine off by shaking your cock twice. Three times you're just having a wank.

It's occasionally difficult to tell if people are simply ignorant of the three shake rule or if half the population of galway are chronic masturbators.

👍61 👎23

Three shakes - video


Three shakes - what is it?

English expression said in a sarcastic manner; used as a synonym for bullshit, horseshit, etc.

Can also be used to indicate that you just don't give a flying fuck.

Is said while simultaneously throwing 3 air jerks, one after the other.

1st Example :

John : I'm going to be in the next Hollywood blockbuster!

Bill : -.- And I'm Napoleon *throws 3 air jerks* three shakes...

2nd Example :

John : Omg, did you hear? The French teacher had a heart attack, fell off a cliff, was devoured by hungry sharks, then spat out on the beach and sold off to the Saudis!

Bill : -.- *throws 3 air jerks* Three shakes...

👍59 👎27