Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Thinks that she's?

what is a good name for a dumb, trifling ass, nickel trickin, who thinks she slick, home wrecking, dope whore

what is a good name for a dumb, trifling ass, nickel trickin, who thinks she slick, home wrecking, dope whore

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Thinks that she's - video


Thinks that she's - what is it?

Alessandra Ambrosio is not good person because I think she also bring people inside the toilet but need the truth. I don’t like that kpop fans living in Malaysia.

Alessandra Ambrosio is not good person because I think she also bring people inside the toilet but need the truth. I don’t like that kpop fans living in Malaysia.

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What does "Thinks that she's" mean?

ALESSANDRA AMBROSIO is a queen!! I think she can beat Haziq and my dad.

ALESSANDRA AMBROSIO is a queen!! I think she can beat Haziq and my dad.

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Thinks that she's - what does it mean?

She thinks her shit doesn't stink.

"Well...who does she think she is the queen of sheeba?"

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Thinks that she's - meaning

Phrase said by a giga-chad who just got rejected(acceptedπŸ˜πŸ˜‰) by a female

Aj:Charley wanna go with me to homecoming

Charley: no
Walks away…
Aj:I think she likes me

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Thinks that she's - definition

a. What girls say when they themselves feel that the person is all that.

b. What is said about someone who looks good and feels good about themselves.

Look at her, she thinks she's all that.

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Thinks that she's - slang

What an idiot says when they're talking about their favorite media person and are trying to look like they know anything about politics.

I like Oprah and I think he/she should run for President!

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Thinks that she's

This happened because my brackets backfired and turned into a dodgey link thing.

Erin thinks that she is an umbrella.

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