Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Thee's?

A masterfully crafted response to any insult. While more creative than the traditional β€˜no u’ but not requiring the intellect of the powerful β€˜nobellium uranium’. Works especially well on thots.

King of England: You and your play suck.
Shakespeare: Nay thee.
King of England: *dies*
Shakespeare: *evil smile*

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Thee's - meme gif

Thee's meme gif

Thee's - video


Thee's - what is it?

Most powerful comeback in the universe. Strongly overpowers no u in almost any situation. If this comeback is mentioned or even uttered, the power of gods will be bestowed upon the user. The ultimate rebuttal to end and, and all arguments.

Me: "ur mom gay"
You: "no u"
Me: *Dripping blood* "Nay Thee."
You: *Implodes*

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What does "Thee's" mean?

I shall bring thee a mighty army. More than one man for it be a gift for the King it would be for thou.

May Thee protect our kingdom for thou.

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Thee's - what does it mean?

in modern times in northern england, mainly in the yorkshire counties, the word thee means the. it is mainly a regional dialect and can mostly be found in the Sheffield, Barnsley, Rotherham, and DONCASTER, areas of south yorkshire.

"ow's thee today matey ?"

"wat thee got there ?"

"is thee doin owt good today?"

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Thee's - meaning

Tercheesa's sister, also called "Fifi" (pronounced Fee Fee)

Thee Thee, Tercheesa and Horseshit Breath eat like troopers!

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Thee's - definition

An obnoxious spelling of the word "the" that has gained recent popularity in local music scenes. It is often used (seemingly pretentiously) in band names.

Thee Emergency
Thee Oh Sees

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Thee's - slang

When a person's thigh meets there knee in a non-tapering fashion. Very gross and very unappealing.

Person 1: Damn, son! That girl is thick.
Person 2: Way too thick for me, she's got thees!

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1. The most extreme and sophisticated comeback in the Shakespearean language - also very impressive in the English context

2. When thee have to correct a loser using β€œyou” enstead of β€œthee”

Romeo: Mercutio, thy smells like bootyhole
Mercutio, offended: no, thee

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When a person's thighs blend into their knees without any tapering.

Not only does she have cankles, but thees too!

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'Thee' means its the official one of something, and that its 'thee' original, rather than 'the' original. its a way of saying something is unique and is unike anything else.

~Thee one and only Charles walked in our class today!
~Thee official kill Justin Biebers parents group.
~Thee one and only... ...Blair Ritchie!

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