Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The forbidden Fruit?


(I know this from experience)

Mikey: Yeah, we broke up.
Dad: Don't worry about it, there's plenty more fish in the sea.
Mikey: Yeah 52% of the world is ladies.
Dad: Well son, now that you've tasted the "forbidden fruit" you'll be chasing your cock for the rest of your life.

*True story*

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The forbidden Fruit - video


The forbidden Fruit - what is it?

(n): The product of a difficult and dangerous sexual process, in which two fingers are sounded and inserted into the vas deferen openings, then carefully retracted out of the penis, pulling the testicles out of the body through the urethral opening. This act creates a fragile object composed to the two testicles, hanging by the the vas deferens out of the penis, known as the forbidden fruit. The forbidden fruit can easily be yanked off by accident, making it a delicacy.

Effectively a prolapse of the testicles.

After a long, painful struggle and many years of conditioning, Adam and Eve finally blossomed the forbidden fruit, only for Eve to yank it from her partner and cause the fall of man.

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What does "The forbidden Fruit" mean?

a word to describe tide pods, because people be eating them now.

who tryna do the tide pod challenge?
naw dude that's the forbidden fruit

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The forbidden Fruit - what does it mean?

A sexy girl with really nice pussy and gives good head, and is bat shit crazy with a psychotic family.

Guy 1: yo I'm abouta hook up with Amaya later at that party
Guy 2: na yo stay away from her she's The forbidden fruit

Guy 1: wdym
Guy 2: her ex boyfriend broke up with her and her father put a bullet in his head

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The forbidden Fruit - meaning

A man who despite incredible sexual ability rarely engages in sexual activity to increase his desirability amongst women.

Sarah: I really want to sleep with Will I've heard he's amazing in bed
Emma: But he hardly ever has sex with anyone!

Sarah: I know, he's a real forbidden fruit

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The forbidden Fruit - definition

The Forbidden Fruit or Tide Pod is a delicious snack usable by all people.

Edgy Kid: Wanna eat Forbidden Fruit in class later Jimmy.
Teacher: Don’t those contain bleach and detergent?
Jimmy: β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”

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The forbidden Fruit - slang

something that is attractive because it is denied to one (From the Garden of Eden in the bible.)

That website is my forbidden fruit.

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The forbidden Fruit

Someone who is attractive but is illegal or taboo to jave sex with, for example a family member, a married person, an underage person etc.

She's forbidden fruit coz she's married

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The forbidden Fruit

You know that really hot chick who won't seem to date anyone? She's forbidden fruit.
You know that chick who's quite prude? Her snatch is the forbidden fruit.

Damn, Lauren's so hot, but she's forbidden fruit.

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The forbidden Fruit

1. sex

2. Hot chick who never seems to go out with anyone.

3. A female that you know you can't become involved with past the point of friendship. This may be due to having a boyfriend/not being interested in you/or too busy to be involved with anyone. She's like the real forbidden fruit. You can't have a taste of her.

Jane is Tim's forbidden fruit

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